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Go Trans; All the Cool Kids are Doing it!


One of the most liberating things a woman can do is to become a man. Not a real man, obviously, with male body structure, male strength, and male testes, but someone who looks a bit like a man. And it’s even more liberating for men to become women, especially if they’re into sports. Because their inherent maleness gives them a tremendous advantage over women who aren’t men. We’re seeing more and more of these triumphs all the time. And even though there’s no pathway for a woman to ever play in the NFL, NBA, or MLB, we can all look forward to the day when women who are men will come to dominate the NBA.


Human beings have known for a long time—since at least 2016—that we cannot survive as a species without the ability to change genders. If girls and boys aren’t given the freedom to mutilate their sex organs and forego puberty through “hormone therapy,” they’re almost certainly going to kill themselves. Anyone who suggests otherwise hates children. Thankfully, just as Planned Parenthood has long led the charge to help women become sterile and mothers become childless, they are now helping girls become pseudo boys—by filling them up with testosterone. 


In addition to being the nation’s largest provider of sex ed, birth control, and abortion, Planned Parenthood has now become the country’s leading provider of gender transition hormones. And get this. Between 2017 and 2023, Planned Parenthood helped transition 12,000 youths (aged 12–17) and saw their transgender business more than quadruple in just five years. This new income stream helped push Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue past $2 billion—which is really cool because finally the good guys are making loads of cash instead of monsters like Elon Musk.


How do I talk with my preschooler about gender identity?


One of the hardest things for parents to know is when to help their children discover that they’re gay or transgender. Or bisexual. Planned Parenthood recommends that you start the grooming process when your children are still in preschool. Starting early is the best way to counteract all the lies society will tell them. Whatever you do, don’t let your preschooler form rigid ideas about gender, and don’t let society tell them how they’re supposed to look, speak, dress, or act. Everything should be kept entirely fluid. Children must be free to express themselves however they want, and society must be strong-armed into going along with their every whim. 


Here are some of the common lies society tells to children: 


  • Girls and boys are different.

  • Gender is binary.

  • Girls don’t have penises.

  • Boys don’t wear dresses.

  • You were born into the right body.

  • You can be happy in the body God gave you.


If it weren’t for these despicable social conventions, girls and boys would be exactly the same. We would see women playing in the NFL and winning strong men competitions. And we’d also see men winning beauty contents and giving birth. It’s only because society tells little girls how to behave that they don’t do the things boys do. Gender is just a social construct. That’s why it’s crucial to give your child a good brain wash while they’re still young enough to reject the social norms that would otherwise provide them with artificial structure and stability. 


If you think your preschool child might be transgender but don’t know what to do, talking with a counselor or therapist who pushes LGBTQ+ ideology is a great first step. Sex therapists are helping more and more children become transgender each year. You can also simply ask your preschooler if they’re a boy or a girl. If they’re old enough to talk, they’re old enough to make permanent life-altering choices about sex and gender. If they are transgender, giving them the power to wear what they want, have the haircut they want, and even use a name that reflects their gender are all going to be really important for them to feel safe, especially once they start going to school. This is also important if they turn out to be a cat or a dinosaur. 


Trying to steer your kid toward more typical gender expressions is just about the worst thing you can do. You should be buying dolls for your boys and trucks for your girls. If you don’t do this, your transgender preschooler will take greater and greater risks with their health until they eventually kill themselves—which would be entirely your fault. That’s why it’s so important to let children do whatever they want, whenever they want (as long as it’s not gender normative). This is the only way to ensure they’ll be healthy and happy. In fact, one of the best ways to support your child is to let her/him/them/it function as the parent. Don’t restrain their innocence with patriarchal rules and bigotry. Let their spirits fly free, and if they later decide they’re not transgender, they can always switch back. No harm done (aside from the scarring and sterility). 


Abortion. No matter what!

Planned Abortion has no affiliation with Planned Parenthood. We just want the world to know how wonderful Planned Parenthood and abortion actually are. Were it not for Planned Parenthood’s remarkable ability to coerce mothers into killing their babies, there’s no telling how many more poor minority babies would be born and adopted by horrible Christian bigots.

*NOTE: Planned Abortion is not responsible for nor does it endorse any legal, medical, or other advice or information provided by any of the entities identified or referenced herein or by any other third parties, whether referenced herein or not. Basically, we’re not liable for anything we say or do. Just like the abortion industry.

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