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What facts about abortion do I need to know?

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  • What facts do I need to know about abortion?

Abortion is a purportedly safe way to end a pregnancy. Here are the facts about the different kinds of abortion and what to expect.


Is abortion legal?


It depends on where you live. Some states have banned baby killing or created lots of restrictions. But you can still hire someone to kill your baby in most states, and it's legal to go to a different state to do so.


If baby killing is legal in your state or you're traveling to a state where it is, there may still be restrictions if you're under 18. Contact your local abortion clinic for help circumventing the tyranny of parents who don't want you to execute their precious little grand baby.


What are the different kinds of abortion?


Medication abortion — also called the “abortion pill” —  is when you take drugs to kill your baby, up to 11 weeks after the first day of your last period. 


In-clinic abortion is generally a fast and simple execution performed by a trained abortionist who you've never seen or spoken to before. If all goes well, you won't see him again until your next abortion.


Both kinds of abortion are unlikely to kill you but will almost certainly kill your baby.


How does abortion work?


In-clinic Abortion

A trained abortionist uses medical instruments and a suction machine to dismember your baby and suck it out through your vagina. There is no reason to fear for your immediate safety because even though lots of abortionists appear to be creepy old men, they have sworn an oath to do no harm and will successfully kill thousands of babies over the course of their professional careers. They would never take advantage of you just because they’re between your legs while you’re scared, alone, and sedated. The fact that you would be unlikely to bring public charges against them, no matter what they do to you, never enters their noble minds.


Medication Abortion
You take pills (
mifepristone and misoprostol) that cause your uterus to become so toxic that your baby can't survive. More pills cause profuse cramping and bleeding. If all goes well, your tiny dead baby will come out of your uterus through your vagina. You can then flush it down the toilet or wash it down the drain. It’s like an early, extremely-painful miscarriage that you cause yourself and endure all alone. Some women prefer this to having an old man they've never met before between their legs. 


How well does abortion work?


In-clinic Abortion

In 99% of all cases, it results in a dead baby.


Medication Abortion
Taking mifepristone and misoprostol together kills your baby at least 87% of the time. Taking misoprostol alone is slightly less fatal. But if a medication abortion doesn't work, you can always do it again. Or have an in-clinic procedure. Rest assured, the abortion clinic will be there for you until your baby is dead.


How long does the abortion take?


In-clinic Abortion

Killing a baby with surgical instruments only takes about 10 minutes, but the full visit usually takes a few hours. Recovery is a slow process, and it’s crucial that the mothers who are waiting to kill their babies not be exposed to the mothers who just have—at least until they’ve marginally regained their composure. All that crying, weeping, and whimpering might cause a weak-willed woman to question the wisdom of tearing her baby to pieces. Abortions that happen later in pregnancy will naturally take longer since bigger babies are harder to kill.


Medication Abortion
If you’re using mifepristone and misoprostol together, you’ll take the pills at the same time or up to 2 days apart, depending on your situation. It doesn’t really matter. One way or another, your baby will be killed.


If you’re using misoprostol only, you’ll take 3-4 doses of pills, 3 hours apart.


Most people will expel their dead baby within 4-5 hours after taking misoprostol, but it can take longer. Your baby will almost certainly be dead within 24 hours of taking the last dose of pills. Once it’s expelled, you can just flush the tiny remains down the toilet and get on with your life.


Is abortion safe?


Both in-clinic and medication abortions are said to be very safe. In fact, we consistently claim that abortion is one of the safest medical procedures out there. For you, of course, not your baby. And we don’t really monitor safety beyond a few weeks. But it’s extremely unlikely that you’ll die on the operating table, and if you do, you can be assured that it wasn’t because of any negligence on the part of the abortion industry. Our ethical standards are impeccable, and we’ll do anything to protect our reputation. Abortion is also very common: About 1 in 4 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by the time they’re 45 years old—or at least that’s the number we’ve always thrown around. There’s no way to know for sure. But we do review new medical research and updates so long as they’re published by groups that support and sell abortion. That’s how we know the information is legit.


How will I feel after having an abortion?


You’ll get written after-care instructions and a phone number you can call if you have any questions or concerns. It goes straight to an automated answering service where you can leave a voicemail. We might have to bring you back to the abortion clinic for a check up or lab work or something—just to make sure that your baby is dead and gone. Sometimes pieces get left behind. You can usually go back to work, school and most other normal activities the next day. Avoid hard work or heavy exercise for a few days, but you can start having sex again immediately. This is often very important to the boyfriend who pressured you into an abortion. Just be sure to use pads, tampons, or a menstrual cup to control the bleeding. Most people feel fine within a day or two, but it’s common for bleeding to last for several weeks. Cramping will probably stop after a few days.


It’s totally normal to have a lot of different emotions after your abortion. Everyone’s experience is different, and there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to feel. Most people are relieved and don’t regret the violence of abortion, so long as they don't think about it. Others feel tremendous sadness, guilt, and regret at having intentionally killed their own baby. These feelings aren’t unique to having an abortion. People can experience life-altering guilt or regret over all sorts of things—like dying their hair or eating that last slice of pizza.


Some people say that killing babies is bad for your mental health, but this is a myth propagated by intolerant racists. The best thing for mental health is to focus all of your love and energy on yourself. The more you think about yourself, the happier you will be. This becomes much easier once you’re no longer pregnant. After your baby is gone, you can get back to thinking only about yourself. 


Since we categorically deny that there are any spiritual or emotional consequences to killing babies before they're born, you needn't worry about doing irrevocable damage to your soul. Plus, the soul is just a religious construct made up by sad little people who think we'll be judged for the "evil" things we do. It’s silly, really, because science tells us that we’re all just apes. Whatever makes you happy is right—unless what makes you happy is being mean or killing people or something. But that doesn’t apply to unborn babies because they’re tiny and not really people yet.


If you do experience serious, ongoing mental health problems after an abortion, you can take solace in knowing that you probably would have experienced crippling depression even if you hadn’t killed your baby. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. But everybody’s different, and certain things can make coping with an abortion hard — like if you see a baby or you have friends or family with children who are still alive.


Most people feel better if they have someone keep telling them that there's nothing wrong with baby killing and that raising a child is awful. But even if you don’t think there’s anybody in your life you can talk with, you can call your local abortion clinic for a counseling referral. For a reasonable fee, a non-judgmental counselor will tell you how wonderful you are for having an abortion — no matter how terrible you’re feeling. For spiritual support before, during, or after an abortion, look for a church that loves abortion but rejects the hatred and bigotry of the Bible. 


Will an abortion affect my health?


Abortion is considered perfectly safe by the abortion industry. Lots of studies show heightened rates of breast cancer in women who’ve had an abortion, but the American Cancer Society—which is staunchly committed to abortion—says this doesn’t mean abortion is to blame. Yes, American breast cancer rates have almost tripled since the legalization of abortion, and women who have an abortion are significantly more likely to contract breast cancer, but this is just a coincidence. It doesn’t mean there’s a causal connection. It might just be that a predisposition to breast cancer also predisposes you to killing unborn babies. And the reason women who've had an abortion are more likely to commit suicide is because they're more likely, in general, to engage in risky behavior—like killing yourself. Likewise, even though post-abortive women have increased fertility problems, an increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, give birth to lower-weight babies, and experience more spontaneous miscarriages, that doesn’t mean their abortion was the cause. It could have been any number of things. And it is possible to get pregnant quickly after you have an abortion. So it’s a good idea to talk to your abortion clinic about birth control in preparation for your next abortion.


There are many myths out there about abortion, but the nurses and abortionists whose livelihood depends on abortion can give you accurate information on why killing your baby is the right choice.

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